having a baby

15 weeks, 4 days

Did I mention I'm extremely emotional? Last night I cried myself to sleep. Why me? Why? I worked so hard in high school. I never even got a C. I took extra classes, did extra-cirricular activities, and volunteered all over Modesto just to look good on a college application. I stayed up late doing homework and worked on projects for weeks. I did everything to the best I could. I tried so hard in high school, I really did. And what do kids work hard for in highschool for? To go to their dream college. Well I got into my dream college. Ten minutes from the beach in San Luis Obispo, voted the 8th best city to live in the U.S. I was finally living my lifelong dream and going straight to a 4 year university. But not anymore. Now I'm not even in school. This isn't in my life plans. I had my life all planned out. 4 years at Cal Poly, get my teaching credential, become a teacher, get married, buy a house, get a dog, and start the perfect family. But not anymore. I'm not even going to be a teacher anymore. They don't make enough money that I need for me and my baby. So plan B is nursing. Why me? I know kids my age who never did anything in high school? And are going to state schools. Kids who cheated their way through high school, got bad grades, and still are going to universities? Wow. Why! I'm so mad. I deserve to go to a nice college and live that college life everyone looks forward to living. I just cried all night thinking of everything I worked for seeming like it's going down the drain.