having a baby

14 weeks, 6 days

Well, people are starting to notice. It seems like over-night I grew bigger and I can't suck it in any longer. It's time to let it loose and show my pooch. Oh, and my clothes don't fit! Oh my goodness. I try so hard to button my size 4 pants. Say goodbye size four, hello size forty. I have to rubberband my button on my pants for them to fit. My bras don't fit. Shirts feel super tight. I feel like I weigh 300 pounds. Everything takes so much energy to do and afterwards I feel exhausted. I mean, I love sleeping and all, but it's so time-consuming having to nap all the time and having to sit after standing for only 10 minutes. Work is getting harder and seems to get longer. I usually am full of energy at work, but lately I feel like I need a break every half hour. Everything seems like it takes so much to do so little. I hate the feeling of being exhausted. I honestly do nothing all day because I don't feel like getting ready. I sweat so easily. I am grumpy. I cry at everything. And I'm fat. I can't take this any longer!!