having a baby

13 weeks, 3 days

So today was my second doctor's appointment! The wait was long again and I was finally seen. My weight: 140 pounds! Oh my goodness! I thought I was going to get another sonogram, but not this appointment. Instead, I got a full physical. The doctor rubbed some nasty jelly-like goo on my stomach and put a heart beat monitor on it. 156 beats per minute! It was loud so everyone could hear it. It was so real and I was so relieved to know Baby is doing good in there:) You still can't really tell I'm pregnant, it just looks like I'm chubby. But I've already been looking at nursery furniture and baby clothes:) I'm getting really excited about being a mom. It has always been my dream to be a mom, and no matter what the situation is, I'm happy. At first, I was so concerned what other people would think, that I'd forget to appreciate the fact that God has blessed me with a child. But I'm passed that stage now, and I am making this the best experience ever:]