having a baby

15 weeks, 2 days

Honestly? Sorry for this venting, but I'm so frustrated. For starters, I finally got to register at Modesto Junior College. After transfering all my information from Cal Poly to MJC, it was time to pick classes. I went online last night to pick a few. I need 12 units to be considered a full time student. So as I scrolled down the list of random classes, I noticed every class I need is full. Every single one. History & Math, full. English & Medical classes, full. All full. The only ones left are Agriculture Skills, Agriculture Special Training, Agriculture in California, Agriculture Terminology, I think you get the picture. Oh my gosh! I don't want to be an Ag kid, I want regular classes! Urgh! Oh and there's ballet. Ballet? Honestly? Fat girl trying to spin around in a tu tu? I don't think so. Urgh! So I kept scrolling and found a few classes that I don't need, but will take just to be a student. Prevention of Disease, Medical Assisting, and Dental Science. Random I know. So I registered for them. Sorry, you cannot take these classes without taking previous classes. URGHHH! So I have zero classes. Thanks MJC.