having a baby

7 weeks, 4 days

Today was the day I had to tell my parents. I started with my mom. I pulled her into my room and took the Pregnancy Verification paper out and handed it to her. I figured it would be easier than saying it. She stayed quiet, and nodded her head. I burst into tears as she calmed me down. She told me everything was going to be okay and we could get through this together. My mom has always told me I can come to her for anything and everything. I knew she was upset and disappointed, but that didn't stop her from encouraging me and reassuring me that I was making the right choice by keeping the baby. She promised God will take care of the whole situation and he will help me with everything. We then headed to my dad's house, and I was scared as can be. My heart was seriously about to come out of my chest. How can I be pregnant? How am I even going to begin to tell my dad? The guy who raised me to be a strong girl. The guy who is never disappointed with me. The guy who's baby girl is having a baby. Turn around Mom, I can't do this. My dad and I are best friends. I'm his little girl and he's my big pops. We have the closest relationship. How was I going to sit there and tell him what I have done? We finally pulled up. I felt sick to my stomach. We went inside and my mom and I sat down, and he knew something was wrong. I put my head down and folded my arms as I listened to my mom do all the talking. She explained that I was not going to be going to Cal Poly in the fall and that I am going to be staying home. Just say it already! "Kaci's going to be having a baby." Oh no, she actually said it. No. My heart raced even faster I knew he was going to start yelling. I thought for sure he was going to blow up. I hesitated with my eyes full of tears and my hands shaking uncontrollably. I've never been so afraid in my entire life. I looked up to see my dad in tears. He didn't say anything as my mom continued to talk about my plans of keeping the baby and so on. I couldn't stop sobbbing. I finally just started yelling out "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Dad." He was so shocked. How could I disappoint him like this? I've never let him down. He never blew up and began to calm me down. He asked questions and I answered, even though he proabably couldn't understand anything I was saying. He, like my mom, told me that we could all get through this together. It's going to take alot of hard work and my life is going to completely change, but we had to move forward. Wow. My dad and mom are the best. How could they still be so caring when they are so upset? I knew I had the absolute best parents in the world. I thought I would never see another day after telling them, but they are my parents and they will love me no matter what.


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