having a baby

9 weeks, 3 days

Today was my first doctor's appointment! I was so nervous and excited at the same time! I didn't know what to expect. I walked in to see couples everywhere with ladies and their huge bellies. And here I was, walking in with my mom. I got into the room and met the nurse. She said to undress from the waist down and sit on this huge chair. How awkward! I was so nervous. The doctor finally came in and it was a man doctor. What! I didn't ask to see this guy! It turns out he was my doctor's replacement. Now this was going to be extra awkward. But the minute I saw my baby on the sonogram screen, everything the doctor was saying blurred away and all I was thinking was "wow." It was simply amazing. Baby was moving and moving and I could see it's heartbeat going a mile a minute. I never felt more like a mother, until that very second. He said everything looked great and I have never been happier:]