having a baby

7 weeks, 3 days

The big news came today. I bought the simplest pregnancy test at Target a week ago, figuring I wasn't going to use it anyways. This morning, just like any other morning, got up outta bed and headed toward the bathroom. I grabbed the test and said why not. Positive. I couldn't believe it. No? This isn't right? I shut my eyes and opened them up again, hoping to wake up from a nightmare. Nope. It was real. How could this happen! This stupid test is wrong. In tears, I left the bathroom and had a friend take me to the local clinic. I waited anxiously until the nurse would finally call my name. What seemed like hours passed, and I was finally called. I peed in the cup and waited. The nurse came in excited as can be and said "Well, You're pregnant!" How could she be excited at a time like this! I was overwhelmed with feelings. Sadness, shock, anxiety, and nervous. I was almost seven weeks pregnant.