having a baby

22 weeks, 6 days

Today, I had another check-up appointment with my doctor. It wasn't the usual guy, it was a lady who I like much more. This time Edward went with me. We listened to the hearbeat (I always get emotional at that part) and she measured my belly. I weigh 148! Omg! I feel much bigger though. She said he was looking healthy and everything was going great. I decided not to take this test to check for down syndrome. It was my choice to not know. If anything is wrong with baby, God intended it, and I shouldn't be worried about anything. I'll love him no matter what more than anything and I feel it was better not knowing. But everything went great at the appointment! I really love being pregnant. I don't know why, but I just love it. Sometimes I hate how things are harder and more of a hassle, but overall, I love the feeling that I am carrying a human life. I guess only if you've been pregnant, you'd know what I mean. As for work, I am working A LOT. I am now saving money from every check and putting it into an account for Jake. Did I mention I'm set on the name Jake? I love it:) Middle name, still unsure but Jake is it for the first name. I'm feeling great, no sickness or anything. I just gotta start being active more so the birthing will go much better. Well, gotta go for now:)