having a baby

21 weeks, 6 days

Tonight, my mom, Edward, and I went to this dinner banquet held at the Modesto Pregnancy Center. I didn't know what to expect, I just knew it was to benefit the Center. Modesto Pregnancy Center specializes in pregnancy tests, counseling, and overall help for teen moms in our community. They provide diapers, formula, and so much more for mothers in need. My mom felt we had to give back in some way. We attended the dinner and listened to very touching testimonies how the center has helped these young girls. One girl shared her story, saying abortion was the only thing on her mind when she found out she was pregnant at 17. She went to the center and in a matter of weeks they helped her change her mind to see that pregnancy is a beautiful thing and God doesn't want anyone's life cut short. It was so emotional hearing her struggles and how the center has been nothing but help to her. She brought up her precious baby boy and thanked the women working there for inspiring her to be a young mother regardless of how hard the situation is. I realized then how lucky I was to have the support I have at home. I sometimes take my family for granted, but tonight I realized that I have an amazing life and this baby will be a blessing to all of us, no matter what:)