having a baby

19 weeks, 6 days

It's A Boy!!!
I've never been so happy!
He is healthy and all of his organs
are developed and working great!
He wiggles around and stretches
out his legs! It was amazing!
Mommy already loves her little prince:)

19 weeks, 5 days

Tomorrow is the big day!! Boy or Girl? My appt is at 8 in the morning and I'm going with my mom and step-mom, Audrey. I am soooo excited! We're going to Precision Imaging to get the full on sonogram. I'm so nervous. My guts tell me it's a boy, but I think I want a girl. But then I want a boy too. It doesn't matter I just can't wait! My sister Becca asked me the other day, "Taci, (she can't say Kaci) can you have a girl and a boy? I want a girl and a boy." She makes me laugh. She is probably more excited than anyone for this new baby. All I hear all day is "Taci, I got a ball for your baby and me." "Is your baby tired?" "What is your baby saying right now?" "Can the doctor take out your baby now?" She cracks me up! Well, I have to get some sleep for the big day! Whoo hoo!

18 weeks, 6 days

So everyone's leaving to college soon:( All my friends are packing up to go far away to have the time of their lives. While I'm stuck here at the beautiful University of Modesto, bagging groceries for old snobby people, oh yeah, with a huge pot belly. Urgh!! I'm so sad. It was my dream to go far to college. I hate seeing college football games on TV, just thinking that I could be there. Cal Poly move in day is in 2 days. It was marked on all my calendars. I had to cross out "Kaci leaves for college!!" to put down "Kaci's OBGYN appt." I was at Target with my mom and saw all of the dorm decor. I would have loved to decorate my dorm and pack and get all organized for college. Instead, I bought some baby outfits. For some reason baby clothes always seem to make me happy:) I also got some coco butter lotion for my future stretch marks. Ew.

17 weeks, 3 days

Today was the first day of school. My class schedule consists of Ballet (I know, right?), Humanities, Political Science, Guidance 101, Math, and Theatre Production. I did it. I am officially a full-time student. It took so much work trying to get into all of these classes. But I stuck with it and got some classes. Even us pregnant girls can go to school! I'm finally relieved that I managed to become a full student:)

16 weeks, 4 days

Wow. So today I decided to take all of my sisters to the mall for lunch. As I held hands with my 3-year-old sister, Becca, we got in line for Hot Dog On a Stick. I looked to my left and had to double take who was walking toward me. The baby's dad, "Chuck" was coming straight my way. I looked up to make eye contact as he quickly looked down at the floor and brushed right by me. Honestly? Wow. I've never felt so low. How can he just walk right by the woman with his child in her belly! Omg! What is the world coming to? Anyways, I felt sick to my stomach. So much for craving a corn dog.